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Positive Change Can Be A Good Thing

This week with my art group we were working on a project was around the topic of control and change in our lives.

There are always things in life that we have no control over but this has been worsened by the whole COVID situation and there is so much at the moment that we cannot control at all. From places we are unable to go, who we are able to see, to things we are unable to do, I'm sure this has heightened everyone's sense of things spiraling out of control.

So, what things in life can we maintain some control over? How can we progress onward in a way that is meaningful yet fits into the parameters we are having to deal with? And what role can creativity have in this?

A positive frame of mind is really important but a difficult thing to maintain and it certainly doesn't happen everyday, at least not for me! But when there are circumstances that are completely out of my control, I can choose to see things in either a positive or negative light.

Changing your mindset isn't easy and doesn't happen overnight, real change is something that needs to be cultivated and practised over time to be effective.

In some ways I think I've coped better than some with the stresses that 2020 has brought us, although it hasn't been at all easy. Having had a breakdown 20 years ago, working on my positive mindset has been something I've been doing for many years so I guess I had a bit of a head start coming into the whole covid/lockdown debacle!

Of course, I am certainly no medical expert in this area so consulting your doctor or other healthcare professionals is definitely the best course of action for long-term change and personal improvement.

However, below are a few examples of things I personally use to lighten my mood and to try to see the day in a positive light. I hope they are of help to you.


*Journalling is a great way to put our thoughts and expressions out of our brains and down on paper. If writing down your thoughts and feelings is something you find hard to get started with, why not use some journalling prompts to get your brain moving.

How you format and design your journalling is up to you but here are a few ideas that you might like to use.

*Bullet journalling - is the perfect way of making sure plans and lists are presented in an easy to read manner.

And you can decorate as much or as little as you like.

Get yourself a beautiful note book or journal to work on and some pretty coloured pens. Having fun materials to work with will make the task more of an attractive one.

*Art journalling - if you know about my Art Journalling for Wellbeing group you will be aware that I use this type of journalling a lot!

Using mindful art techniques can be a really relaxing way of exploring your feelings.

There are so many topics you could cover and again, journal prompts are a great way of finding project ideas.

*Free writing/typing - if you're not familiar with free writing, it's a great way of pouring out all that is on your mind in a almost subconscious manner. It doesn't matter if you get stuck or don't know quite how to start, you could use journal prompts for example to get going.

I find that my brain works too fast for my hand so instead of hand writing I type in to my computer which is much easier for me.


*Inspirational words and quotes can seem a bit cheesy but if you have a memory like mine, keeping these around the house can be a great way of reminding yourself of beneficial thoughts for the day.

And why not turn them into art projects?! Creating them in to works of art in themselves will make them much more personal and they won't look anything like those tacky inspirational posters you see in offices!

You could pick just one word as the focus of the project or a whole quote. There are so many beautiful fonts out there these days and there are several ways of using them. You could:-

* Type the letters into a MS Word (or equivalent) document and print it out. Then using carbon paper you can transfer the letters to the paper/canvas etc ready for creating your project.

I've also found some fancy font generator websites online which means you can input a word on their website and it will produce it in a wealth of different fonts so you can copy that over to your Word document.

*Draw your letters freehand - If you are comfortable with lettering or calligraphy you could create your own design or take your inspiration from word fonts in magazines or books. There are tons of fancy pens you can buy which would work really well.

*Use letter or word stencils - there are so many available to purchase online and in craft stores which would work really well. Or you could try making your own from print out letters, some cardboard and a craft knife!


*Spotify playlists - are a great way of putting positive songs together. I have a playlist of affirmation songs to help me on my way when I'm feeling down. Feel free to go and check it out! (If you haven't got a Spotify account, the basic one is free)

'One Hand in My Pocket' by Alanis Morrisette is the ultimate positive mindset song whilst 'Excuses' reminds us that if we don't at least try to deal with our issues we'll always be stuck in our own safe but small shells.

Whether it be a sunny song that cheers us up or something more hard-hitting, having something positive to listen to can be very therapeutic.


Of course, there is so much more to making real change in your life but I hope these small activities will give you something to think about whilst working through your issues.

I've compiled a Pinterest folder of journal prompts and other ways of self care and improvement. Feel free to check it out.

I would love to hear your thoughts on everything so feel free to comment on the blog or the Instagram and Facebook pages.

Have a lovely week everyone

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