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Craft Tool of the Month


Bone Folder

So what is a Bone Folder and what is it used for?


Originally created from cow bone for use in book binding, the bone folder is used to create beautiful sharp creases or folds in paper. It's also used by conservators.


This has been a piece of my kit for years and is still one of my favourite tools as it can be used for so many crafts. Mine is made from cow bone but there are plastic varieties on the market too. It measures about 15cms but there are smaller and larger ones available.


I bought one as I was doing a lot of card making at the time - it's excellent if you want to create your own cards as the sharp fold gives a more professional finish.

​It's sometimes difficult to fold a good sharp crease by hand especially if you're folding multiple layers at the same time. So having a tool to help is a real asset.


I've used it in so many other crafts where sharp creases/folds are required such as origami. Recently I made a load of paper snowflakes and it was really helpful when I was folding the paper templates. 

Another use is to gently shape flowers and leaves with it which gives such an extra dimension to your projects. 

It also works well as a burnisher, so if you're trying to ensure sticky tape or glue bonds well when stuck between 2 surfaces it is very useful.

I've also used it in the past to gently burnish gold leaf but as this is very delicate it takes some practice.


Please feel free to check bone folders out online for more information.

​I've also pinned a few ideas and pictures of the types available on Pinterest so you can check those out if you wish.

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